Registration Now Open:

Declutter Your Home.

– no need to wait, start right now!

Give yourself the gift of letting go & living light.

"Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful."

− William Morris

"If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got."

− Albert Einstein

"The details are not the details. They make the design."

− Charles Eames

Hi + Welcome!

We’re Nat and Tip of ApartmentDiet, here to help you create a home and lifestyle you love.
We created this site to house our eCourses and some really cool products that are in the works. Our current course: 5 weeks to a Happy Home is live and open for enrolment.

Want to get started but don’t know how? We say: Start with a corner. Start with 5 minutes. And repeat.

We’re known as the starting experts, authors of “Happy House Rules” (coming soon), and have been guiding clients around the world to take the leaps (or baby-steps) required to make changes that last. We’re also coffee + interiors addicts and curators of places and spaces.

We’re excited to have you here!

xo Tip + Nat


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    If you want to get more info about our work, head over to for our blog filled with free articles and interior inspiration, and info about our global coaching practice.

    We’re @apartmentdiet on facebook, twitter, pinterest, instagram + tumblr and we love meeting our community!